Follow the story of Sofia, a very special teacher in the eternal city, Rome, who goes on an epic adventure with her cat Merlino, her friend Luca and all her students.
- “Sofia è una maestra di inglese in una scuola elementare di Roma.”
- “Dopo aver fatto colazione, i due tornano a casa.”
- “La notte fra venerdì e sabato, Sofia fa dei sogni molto strani…”
With this e-chapter, you’ll be able to learn new Italian vocabulary, verbs and expressions each week, as the downloadable pack includes:
- A PDF of the first chapter of the book;
- a vocabulary section to learn new words;
- Comprehension questions to check your understanding;
- Written production inputs to help you develop your writing;
- A m4a recording of all the above (PDF chapter, comprehension exercises and written production exercises), narrated by the writer - a native speaker - to help you improve your pronunciation and intonation.
A new chapter will be released each Thursday.
Sofia la maestra strega - Capitolo 01
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